Pt 31.664 Pd 30.932 Rh 146.285 Au 91.866 Ag 1.036

Precious Metal Calculators by AG Metals

Precious Metal Calculators by AG Metals

Gold Karat Conversion Calculator

These calculators facilitate the conversion between gold purity expressed in karats and other common units of measurement such as percentage, parts per thousand (promil), and

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gold scrap
Precious Metal Calculators by AG Metals

Gold scrap value calculator

This calculator enable to calculate the value of mix gold coins and jewlery scrap with deferent karats, just seperat the scrap into karat grope and enter the wieghts per each karat. the calculator also enable to discount value due to refining cost and chane the gold price.
Defolt gold price is the up to date LME prices.

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