Pt 31.6 Pd 34.147 Rh 147.089 Au 83.038 Ag 0.988

Our “LAB ASSAY” is a process to support our customers understanding The value of their scrap, the recycling /refining process needed

And our recommendation about were to do the job.

At A.G. metals we use two XRF guns (Niton XL3 Goldd + and Hitachi XMet 8000) for testing. At our In-house lab and at the customer compound.

If necessary, we turn to an external laboratory, for “Fire Assay”, “ICP”, “Atomic Absorption”  According to the types of tests and accuracy level required.

Performing laboratory tests to determine the content of precious metals,

Is the last step in the scrap characterization process.

In order to obtain a homogeneous sample, which optimally represents all

the scraps, processes such as:  drying, burning, grinding, chemical digestion, casting, etc. must be performed to allow volume reduction and contribute

to homogenization of the material.

Our contemplation on lab assay, includes the thought of the recycle/Refining process in the future.  and verifying the laboratory results considering customer expectation / knowledge about the scrap.

Authentication through more than one assay method or XRF software, is essential to find the right method for each type of scrap.

Common questions we ask ourselves during the process:

What is the scrap source?

Do the results make sense?

What is the best assay method?

In what form is best to take the sample….. Powder…Ingot….?

Do we have environmental or Hazardous materials issues?